Thursday, August 27, 2009

Konsep tabarru' dalam Takaful

Sesungguhnya Islam adalah agama yang sangat sempurna. Segala sistem dan peraturannya adalah untuk kebaikan dan kemaslahatan hidup manusia. Peraturan-peraturan Islam selari dengan fitrah kejadian manusia.

Secara fitrahnya manusia sangat sukakan harta, maka Islam telah meletakkan panduan yang jelas kepada manusia dalam hal-hal berkaitan harta agar harta tersebut memberikan kebaikan kepadanya.

Dalam Islam, manusia tidak memiliki harta tersebut secara mutlak, bahkan harta tersebut adalah sebagai amanah Allah untuk diatur dan disalurkan dengan cara yang diredai-Nya.

Islam menyediakan kaedah penyelesaian yang bukan sahaja praktikal malah dapat memberikan kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat. Sebagai agama yang praktikal, Islam menyediakan solusi kepada pelaksanaan sistem insurans yang selari dengan prinsip syariah Islam.

Kontrak tabarru' (bersedekah) telah diperkenalkan sebagai asas kepada sistem takaful di mana kontrak berkenaan adalah lebih praktikal dan selamat dalam mengatur-urus sistem insurans yang pada tujuan asalnya adalah dianggap baik.

Perbahasan kali ini adalah berkaitan konsep tabarru' dan mengapa ia dipilih sebagai kontrak yang selamat pada pandangan Islam dalam menjalankan aktiviti dan transaksi insurans.

Berkasih sayang

Tabarru' bermaksud suatu bentuk derma ikhlas yang diberi oleh satu pihak dengan tidak meminta pertukaran atau balasan daripada pihak yang lain.

Ia dikategorikan sebagai kontrak satu pihak (unilateral) di mana cukup dengan hanya satu pihak sahaja yang melafazkan sesuatu pemberian tanpa ada sebarang pertukaran.

Tabarru' adalah antara amalan soleh yang sangat digalakkan oleh Islam. Islam menggalakkan semangat tolong-menolong dan berkasih sayang antara satu sama lain. Justeru amalan bersedekah ini sangat tinggi nilainya di sisi Islam.

Ini kerana ia adalah asas kepada wujudnya masyarakat yang harmoni dan sejahtera. Oleh kerana itulah banyak dalil yang menyokong perkara ini. Antaranya maksud firman Allah SWT yang maksud-Nya: Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Nafkahkanlah (dermakanlah) sebahagian dari apa yang telah Kami berikan kepada kamu, sebelum tibanya hari (kiamat) yang tidak ada jual beli padanya dan tidak ada kawan teman (yang memberi manfaat), serta tidak ada pula pertolongan syafaat. Dan orang-orang kafir, mereka itulah orang-orang yang zalim. (al-Baqarah: 254)

Rasulullah SAW juga menegaskan dalam banyak sabda Baginda akan galakan dan keperluan melakukan sedekah. Antaranya daripada Rasulullah SAW dengan sabdanya: Firman Allah: Belanjakanlah (hartamu) wahai anak Adam, nescaya kamu akan diinfaqkan (oleh Allah SWT) (Muttafaq 'alaih)

Daripada Rasulullah SAW dengan sabdanya: Apabila matinya anak Adam, maka terputuslah amalannya melainkan dengan tiga perkara: Sedekah yang berterusan, ataupun ilmu yang memberikan manfaat, ataupun anak yang soleh yang berdoa kepadanya. (riwayat Muslim)

Dalam takaful, setiap peserta yang menyertai mana-mana produknya akan memperuntukkan sebahagian atau keseluruhan daripada sumbangannya (premium) ke dalam satu tabung.

Tabung tersebut dinamakan Tabung Risiko. Ia menempatkan derma terkumpul para peserta. Fungsi dana ini adalah sebagai bantuan kepada peserta yang ditimpa musibah.

Sebagai contoh, dalam Model Takaful Ikhlas, setiap peserta berjanji melakukan derma secara bulanan (al Iltizam bi al Tabarru') ke dalam Tabung Risiko.

Di bawah model ini, sumbangan peserta akan ditempatkan ke dalam satu akaun, sebagai contoh Akaun Pelaburan Risiko Peribadi (PRIA) yang berupa milik peserta.

Pihak peserta yang telah berjanji melakukan derma tadi, membenarkan Takaful Ikhlas mengambil sejumlah tertentu daripada PRIA iaitu jumlah yang diperlukan untuk membantu peserta-peserta yang ditimpa musibah pada bulan berkenaan untuk didermakan (drip) setiap bulan ke dalam Tabung Risiko.

Setiap peserta akan saling membantu di antara mereka apabila ada di kalangan mereka yang ditimpa musibah.

Aplikasi tabarru' di dalam takaful telah menghapuskan unsur-unsur gharar (syubhat), riba dan maisir (judi) yang kerananya telah menyebabkan insurans konvensional difatwakan haram.

Ini kerana tabarru' dikategori sebagai kontrak satu pihak yang tidak memerlukan sebarang pertukaran atau timbal balas sebagaimana kontrak pertukaran seperti kontrak jual beli yang menentukan adanya pertukaran di antara dua pihak yang berkontrak.

Seseorang yang menderma cukup dengan menyerahkan barangan yang didermakan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkenaan, maka kontraknya telah dikira selesai. Tetapi bagi kontrak pertukaran seperti jual beli, kontraknya dikira selesai apabila pembeli menyerahkan wang (harga barang) dan penjual menyerahkan barang yang dijual tersebut, jika tidak kontrak berkenaan dikira tidak sah.

Inilah yang berlaku di dalam transaksi insurans konvensional di mana walaupun pelanggan telah membayar premium (harga) pihak penanggung insurans tidak berupaya menyerahkan barang yang berupa perlindungan, pada kebiasaannya dalam bentuk wang.

Ini kerana perlindungan (wang) tersebut hanya boleh diserahkan jika pelanggan berkenaan mengalami jenis risiko yang dilindungi seperti sakit jantung, mati, kemalangan dan sebagainya.

Wang hangus

Semasa membeli insurans, pelanggan berkenaan belum lagi menghidap musibah-musibah berkenaan. Maka sudah pasti pelanggan berkenaan tidak akan mendapat barang yang dibelinya itu yang sepatutnya diserahkan kepadanya pada masa tersebut.

Lagipun, musibah seperti sakit jantung, mati , kemalangan dan sebagainya itu sifatnya tidak diketahui akan berlaku atau pun tidak. Maka pelanggan berkenaan tidak pasti sama ada akan dapat atau tidak.

Dalam konteks kontrak jual beli, tidak berupaya menyerahkan barang yang dijual semasa akad dimeterai ia dikira sebagai transaksi yang mengandungi elemen gharar yang ditegah oleh Rasulullah SAW. Inilah yang berlaku dalam transaksi insurans konvensional.

Menerusi pelaksanaan tabarru' ini yang diikat dengan prinsip Takaful (saling membantu) mewujudkan suasana saling tolong-menolong di antara satu sama lain.

Sebagai analogi mudah, peserta A menderma untuk membantu peserta B, manakala peserta B menderma untuk membantu peserta A, suasana bantu membantu inilah yang dikatakan sebagai Takaful di mana peserta saling membantu sesama mereka.

Bukannya di antara peserta dengan pihak syarikat sebagaimana yang berlaku di dalam sistem insurans konvensional.

Berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip tabarru' sumbangan derma itu tidak boleh ditarik balik oleh peserta. Jika peserta membatalkan penyertaan di dalam Takaful, bahagian yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam Tabung Risiko tidak akan dipulangkan. Bagaimanapun peserta berhak mendapat baki yang ada di dalam PRIA dalam konteks Takaful Ikhlas.

Justeru, tiada istilah 'wang hangus' dalam keadaan ini sebagaimana yang cuba disalah tafsirkan kerana ia wang derma yang bakal diganjari pahala yang lumayan oleh Allah.

Demikian kerana dalam aplikasi takaful, jika sekiranya tidak berlaku tuntutan ke atas perkara yang dilindungi, sumbangan tabarru' tersebut berperanan sebagai sumbangan amal jariah yang sangat-sangat istimewa dalam Islam.

Inilah di antara kelebihan dan keindahan sistem takaful yang tidak ada dalam sistem insurans konvensional. Menikmati habuan ukhrawi di samping habuan duniawi sekali gus.

Allah menjanjikan ganjaran yang lumayan bagi mereka yang bersedekah. Ia sebagaimana firman-Nya yang bermaksud: Bandingan (derma) orang yang membelanjakan hartanya pada jalan Allah, ialah sama seperti sebiji benih yang tumbuh menerbitkan tujuh tangkai; tiap-tiap tangkai itu pula mengandungi seratus biji dan (ingatlah), Allah akan melipatgandakan pahala bagi sesiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dan Allah Maha Luas (rahmat) kurnia-Nya, lagi Meliputi ilmu pengetahuan-Nya. (al-Baqarah: 261). Selain itu boleh juga merujuk ke ayat 274 surah al-Baqarah.

Bukan sahaja peserta yang dapat menikmati manfaat rabbani ini malah mereka yang bekerja di syarikat-syarikat takaful termasuklah para wakil atau ejen Takaful yang terus menerus mempromosikan konsep tabarru' ini, juga bakal mendapat ganjaran ilahi.

Menerusi amalan tabarru' ini kita boleh menikmati ganjaran yang istimewa daripada Allah. Amalan ini boleh dikerjakan dengan lebih sempurna, sistematik dan profesional menerusi sistem takaful.

Malah amalan menerusi sistem Takaful ini adalah tabarru' kelas pertama di mana ia dilakukan dengan ikhlas, sehinggakan tangan kanan yang memberi, tangan kiri tidak mengetahuinya.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Source :

Independence from the point of view of a country is free from colonization. A country is considered as independent when it is governed and administered by its own citizen. Independence is the greatest gift for a country and its citizens.

Our nation will be celebrating its independence anniversary which marks the half century
period of Malaysia under the administration of its own people. Almost all places throughout the country have prepared their respective celebrations.

Today, as the citizens of Malaysia, we are proud with the advancement achieved by our country since we gained the freedom from the colonization of foreign powers. On the other hand, there are a lot of us out there who do not realize that although we are physically free, there is actually some form of colonization which has not been totally removed from out society. For instance, there are still many more who are still being colonized from the perspectives of thinking and way of lives. Whether we realize it or not, we merely ‘borrow’ some colonizers’ thinking, culture and way of lives.

Therefore, it is understood why many of our society members today try to imitate the colonizers’ way of lives and their thinking in their daily lives. They do not practice to be the best of followers given by Allah for mankind as mentioned by Allah:

آُنْتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَلَوْ آمَنَ أَهْلُ
الْكِتَابِ لَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَهُمْ مِنْهُمُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَأَآْثَرُهُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ

Meaning: You (followers of Prophet Muhammad) are the best of peoples being raised up for mankind; you enjoin all that Islam has ordained and forbid all that Islam has forbidden, and you believe in Allah. And had the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) believed, it would have been better for them; among them are some who have faith but most of them are disobedient to Allah. (Al Imran 110)

Please be reminded that the celebration of our 52nd independence should not be celebrated according to colonizers’ culture such as the incorporating the elements of dancing, singing, concert performances by certain artists, and free mingling between male and female teenagers.
An Arabic poet, Mahmoud al Wafa once criticized the Egyptian post-colonization way of lives in one of his poems:

ذهب الإنجليز الحمر و بقي الإنجليز السمر

“The reddish-skinned English has gone but the tan-skinned English are still around”

Today, many of our youths who will be our future leaders are more English than the English, and more westernized than the westerners. Malay Muslim culture is disappearing day by day whilst our eastern characters have faded. Good manners and politeness has not been considered as important anymore, while the nation’s self respect and the value of languages has dropped, Muslim and the Bumiputra’s power has reduced, the divine revelation and sunnah has not been practiced by many, and worst of all, our religion and faith is in danger. All of these happened within the independence period that is being celebrated on every 31st l of August every year.

Even though Islam has introduced the concept of religious freedom, way of thinking, politics etc, it does mean that human are granted the freedom to defy Allah. Many of our post-independence youths today are closer immoral activities like motorbike racing, taking drugs, loafing around, excessive entertainment, free sex party, drinking alcohol and so on. They do not practice independent mind and this will not changed if something is not done on how we celebrate independence.

The true meaning of independence from the Islamic perspective can be found from the words of an Islamic warrior Rub'ie bin A'mir during his meeting with a Roman warrior named Rustum:

الله ابتعثنا لنخرج من شاء من عبادة العباد إلى عبادة الله, ومن جور الأديان إلى عدل الإسلام ومن ضيق الدنيا
إلى سعة الدنيا والآخرة

“Allah sent us (Muslims), to free mankind, from human slavery towards the slavery to Allah, from religion cruelty to Islamic justice and from world’s difficulty to the pleasure of the world and the after world.” The true independence occurred when mankind is able to become the true believers of Allah and exempt their non-Islamic thinking and way of lives and only practice Islamic thinking and way of lives. The independence and freedom that we enjoy today should be
celebrated with thanks to Allah for with it, we are able to be the best of Allah’s slave.

Allah SWT said:

قَالَتۡ إِنَّ ٱلمُلُوكَ إِذَا دَخَلُواْ قَرۡيَةً أَفسَدُوهَا وَجَعَلُوٓاْ أَعِزَّةَ أَهلِهَآ أَذِلَّ ةًۖ۟ وَآَذَٲلِكَ يَفعَلُونَ

Meaning: “She (Princess Balqis) said: Verily! Kings (equitable to conqueror in current term), when they enter a country, the despoil it, and make the most honorable amongst its people low. And thus they do. (An–Naml Verse 34)

The verse above clearly described that freedom (independence) is not exactly like how some humans interpret it, which is free from colonization, or free to do anything offensive to fulfill their desires, but the true freedom was described by Syeikh Ahmad Khadrawaih as independence is “Perfection in true believing, gained from freedom (independence) and perfection is achieved by believing truthfully.

Therefore, will the meaning of independence be achieved if our demeanor, understanding, way of lives, way of thinking and dressing as well of administration is not in accordance to Allah’s order?

As Muslims, we must understand the true meaning of independence, in which freedom is not just the transition of administration from the colonizer, but there is a greater goal, that is freedom to be Allah’s caliph who administer the world in accordance and obedience to Allah’s orders. Allah knows best.

Use Ramadan to kick smoking habit

Use Ramadan to kick smoking habit
Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd Salleh
Fellow Kanan Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia

RECENTLY, a newspaper reported that more women had caught the smoking bug. It suggested that these women smoked as the habit was considered "trendy and fashionable".

I had a long chat on smoking with a nurse at a local hospital. She said more young people today were risking their health picking up the smoking habit. "Just take a walk along the fashionable districts of Kuala Lumpur, and you'll see what I mean," she sighed.

A colleague, meanwhile, related an experience at a posh restaurant in Shah Alam. After his family was seated for a meal, two couples in their late teens or early 20s came in. The youths sat next to his table.

One of the girls lit up a cigarette. Upon noticing this, he asked the girl not to smoke as it was a no-smoking restaurant. Out of defiance, the girl who was sitting at his back started to tap cigarette ash on his hair, much to the amusement of her friends.

This got him angry, and he made his feelings known to the youths, in particular to the smoking girl. The youths left the restaurant.

This episode is probably nothing new. Some smokers have no respect for the wellbeing of the majority. They simply light up wherever and whenever they want, regardless if it is designated no-smoking area.

Some restaurants put up a no-smoking sign for the sake of putting it up. The owners would not dream of stopping patrons from smoking for fear of losing their patronage. What is even more intriguing is that there is an ashtray on every table, despite the nosmoking signs, all in the name of profit. As a result, we can see most of these restaurants are polluted with smoke.

Some smokers argue that it is their right to smoke. No one denies that. However, smokers should be more considerate of the majority.

It is one thing to destroy one's own lungs by smoking. It is another thing altogether if the smoke pollutes the air others breathe, ruining other people's lungs. This "secondary smoke" is as dangerous as being a smoker.

The nurse friend related a story of how a heavy smoker had caused his non-smoking wife to suffer lung cancer. Is it worth the short-lived satisfaction of smoking to see loved ones suffer for your bad habit? More often than not, the effects of smoking are only more apparent after a long period of time. Most smokers find it "unnecessary" to quit until it is all too late, when the damage has been done.

With the plethora of information available, one would think everyone knows the danger and risks of smoking. And some studies have shown that the habit is hard to kill.

Instead, amazingly, smoking in the 21st century is regarded a trendy fashion, one to be followed lest one is left out by one's peers.

There are smokers who are aware of the dangers. As many as 85 per cent have the intention to quit the habit. Nonetheless, many have failed despite trying many times.

In an effort to ensure that smokers quit the habit for good, the Ministry of Health along with the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (Ikim), Islamic Development Depart-ment (Jakim), the National Drug Centre and several other NGOs have come together to launch a campaign.

It is estimated that there are over one million Muslim smokers in the country. With the theme "New Breath Beginning Ramadan", the campaign to be officiated today at Ikim is intended for Muslim smokers to use the coming month of Ramadan as a platform to stop smoking, not just during the day, but for good.

Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims. This is the month in which God sent down the holy book, Quran, as a guide for mankind.

This is also the month in which Muslims are instructed to fast throughout the days of Ramadan, but Ramadan is not just about not eating and not drinking.

Ramadan is a madrasah for Muslims to be tested with many challenges and, at the same time, to inculcate good values and virtues such as perseverance, patience, trustworthiness and the like.

That is why we note during Ramadan, routine activities in the office and at home differ from other months. In essence, Ramadan provides a conducive environment for smokers to quit.

It is interesting to note that Muslim smokers do not have much of a problem ab-staining from smoking during the day in the month of Ramadan. In fact, a survey finds 95 per cent of Muslim smokers saying that it is easy.

The point to be driven home during the "New Breath Beginning Ramadan" campaign is to encourage smokers not to smoke even during the nights. If this can be done throughout Ramadan, the smoking habit could indeed be given up.

The reason why smokers find it hard to quit smoking is nicotine dependence. Studies have shown it poses the same addiction problems as heroin and cocaine. If a smoker is deprived of a cigarette for two to four hours, then he will experience withdrawal symptoms.

However, it is fascinating to note that even the heaviest of smokers can stop smoking for nearly 12 hours during Ramadan without withdrawal symptoms. This has yet to be explained by science. Usually a smoker's brain sends instructions for the nicotine supply to be replenished after a few hours. However, this does not happen in Ramadan.

To stop smoking for good, one must have the motivation, dedication and willpower to overcome the addiction to nicotine. Ramadan provides these factors to smokers to quit smoking.

The Prophet of Islam said in one hadith with reference to the month of Ramadan: "Ramadan is a month of patience, and the reward for patience is paradise." Taking this hadith as a motivation, smokers should be able to observe patience in Ramadan by not smoking. After all, fasting is a test of individual willpower. If, during Ramadan, a smoker is able to build up willpower and strength to refrain from smoking, this should be extended after the holy month. It should not stop as soon as Ramadan ends. Smoking, as we are all aware, is an unhealthy habit. Not only are we putting our own lives at risk, we are also risking the health of our family members and loved ones. Quit smoking for good, and use the coming month of Ramadan as an effective platform to do so.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Petugas-petugas Jamuan Moreh sepanjang Ramadhan

Hari Hijrah Masihi Petugas
Sabtu 1 Ramadhan 22-Aug Rosmadi Salim
Fauzi Samudi
Mohd Nor Ibrahim
Md Zin Ahmad
Syed Hassan Syed Ali
Md Monoto Kosnan
Ahmad Nazari Khalid
Zahari Mohammad
Ahad 2 Ramadhan 23-Aug Burhanuddin Mohd Ali
Mohd Hanafiah Md Noor
Abd Razak Jelani
Abd Azis Mat Darus
Ahmad Safuan Shamsuddin
Mejar Razali Ahmad
Shahadan Johari
Nasyari Hassan
Isnin 3 Ramadhan 24-Aug Azmir Affendi Abdul Sabhe
Mohd Asri Mohd Hasim
Nordin Hussain
Bahrudin Abd Rahim
Mohammad Mat Daud
Dol Malek Md Sap
Jahri Kasan
Shaharuddin Jermi
Selasa 4 Ramadhan 25-Aug Mokmin Basri
Ahmad Aidil Misbah
Mohd Jafni Abd. Jalil
Ustaz Mohd Shamsuddin Harun
Hj Abdul Rahman Hj Nordin
Rosli Abdul
Mohd Ridzam Che Ismail
Hj Ilham Sulaiman
Rabu 5 Ramadhan 26-Aug Abd Razak Hussin
Hj Tuan Othman Tuan Abdullah
Muhamad Azan Bin Mustafa
Noor Azhar Mistar
Nasrin Abu Bakar
Ikhwan Moied Hj Ishak
Wan Mohd Zulkhir Wan Hassan
Hj Zainudin Bin Mohd Tan
Khamis 6 Ramadhan 27-Aug Abdul Jalil Abdul Samad
Mohd Yusri Mohd Yusof
Che Muda Che Ismail
Norazlisham Mohd Amin
Mohd Marzuki Ismail
Ahmad Busari
Mohd Rosli Omar
Hj Mohd Azam Mohd Abid
Jumaat 7 Ramadhan 28-Aug Sharul Amrey Abdul Rahim
Zulkiflee Aspan
Hamidon Salleh
Rosman Tarmizi Jusoh
Mohd Faizal Mohd Sahri
Mejar Tamat Lamon
Hj Hamid Awalludin
Ishak Abdullah
Sabtu 8 Ramadhan 29-Aug Rashidi Johari
Mohamad Azarul Razali
Sarizon Salleh
Nor Azhadi Ngah
Hj Mustafa Hj Ibrahim
Mazuki Abdullah
Abdul Rahim Md Noor
Salihodin Yasin
Ahad 9 Ramadhan 30-Aug Khairul Afzal Abidin
Azarin Razali
Ustaz Wan Mohd Nazman
Hj Halim Md Din
Zulhelmy Abdul Malib
Mat Isa Ahmad
Abu Bakar Bin Din
Khairuddin Hamzah Albakri
Isnin 10 Ramadhan 31-Aug Rosmadi Salim
Fauzi Samudi
Mohd Nor Ibrahim
Md Zin Ahmad
Syed Hassan Syed Ali
Md Monoto Kosnan
Ahmad Nazari Khalid
Zahari Mohammad
Selasa 11 Ramadhan 1-Sep Burhanuddin Mohd Ali
Mohd Hanafiah Md Noor
Abd Razak Jelani
Abd Azis Mat Darus
Ahmad Safuan Shamsuddin
Mejar Razali Ahmad
Shahadan Johari
Nasyari Hassan
Rabu 12 Ramadhan 2-Sep Azmir Affendi Abdul Sabhe
Mohd Asri Mohd Hasim
Nordin Hussain
Bahrudin Abd Rahim
Mohammad Mat Daud
Dol Malek Md Sap
Jahri Kasan
Shaharuddin Jermi
Khamis 13 Ramadhan 3-Sep Mokmin Basri
Ahmad Aidil Misbah
Mohd Jafni Abd. Jalil
Ustaz Mohd Shamsuddin Harun
Hj Abdul Rahman Hj Nordin
Rosli Abdul
Mohd Ridzam Che Ismail
Hj Ilham Sulaiman
Jumaat 14 Ramadhan 4-Sep Abd Razak Hussin
Hj Tuan Othman Tuan Abdullah
Muhamad Azan Bin Mustafa
Noor Azhar Mistar
Nasrin Abu Bakar
Ikhwan Moied Hj Ishak
Wan Mohd Zulkhir Wan Hassan
Hj Zainudin Bin Mohd Tan
Sabtu 15 Ramadhan 5-Sep Abdul Jalil Abdul Samad
Mohd Yusri Mohd Yusof
Che Muda Che Ismail
Norazlisham Mohd Amin
Mohd Marzuki Ismail
Ahmad Busari
Mohd Rosli Omar
Hj Mohd Azam Mohd Abid
Nor Azlan Latif
Ahad 16 Ramadhan 6-Sep Sharul Amrey Abdul Rahim
Zulkiflee Aspan
Hamidon Salleh
Rosman Tarmizi Jusoh

Mohd Faizal Mohd Sahri

Mejar Tamat Lamon

Hj Hamid Awalludin

Ishak Abdullah
Isnin 17 Ramadhan 7-Sep Rashidi Johari
Mohamad Azarul Razali
Sarizon Salleh
Nor Azhadi Ngah
Hj Mustafa Hj Ibrahim
Mazuki Abdullah
Abdul Rahim Md Noor
Salihodin Yasin
Selasa 18 Ramadhan 8-Sep Khairul Afzal Abidin

Azarin Razali

Ustaz Wan Mohd Nazman

Hj Halim Md Din

Zulhelmy Abdul Malib
Mat Isa Ahmad

Abu Bakar Bin Din

Khairuddin Hamzah Albakri
Rabu 19 Ramadhan 9-Sep Rosmadi Salim
Fauzi Samudi
Mohd Nor Ibrahim
Md Zin Ahmad
Syed Hassan Syed Ali
Md Monoto Kosnan
Ahmad Nazari Khalid
Zahari Mohammad
Khamis 20 Ramadhan 10-Sep Burhanuddin Mohd Ali

Mohd Hanafiah Md Noor

Abd Razak Jelani

Abd Azis Mat Darus
Ahmad Safuan Shamsuddin
Mejar Razali Ahmad
Shahadan Johari
Nasyari Hassan
Jumaat 21 Ramadhan 11-Sep Azmir Affendi Abdul Sabhe
Mohd Asri Mohd Hasim
Nordin Hussain
Bahrudin Abd Rahim
Mohammad Mat Daud
Dol Malek Md Sap
Jahri Kasan
Shaharuddin Jermi
Sabtu 22 Ramadhan 12-Sep Mokmin Basri
Ahmad Aidil Misbah
Mohd Jafni Abd. Jalil
Ustaz Mohd Shamsuddin Harun
Hj Abdul Rahman Hj Nordin
Rosli Abdul
Mohd Ridzam Che Ismail
Hj Ilham Sulaiman
Ahad 23 Ramadhan 13-Sep Abd Razak Hussin
Hj Tuan Othman Tuan Abdullah
Muhamad Azan Bin Mustafa
Noor Azhar Mistar
Nasrin Abu Bakar
Ikhwan Moied Hj Ishak
Wan Mohd Zulkhir Wan Hassan
Hj Zainudin Bin Mohd Tan
Isnin 24 Ramadhan 14-Sep Abdul Jalil Abdul Samad
Mohd Yusri Mohd Yusof
Che Muda Che Ismail
Norazlisham Mohd Amin

Mohd Marzuki Ismail
Ahmad Busari
Mohd Rosli Omar
Hj Mohd Azam Mohd Abid
Selasa 25 Ramadhan 15-Sep Sharul Amrey Abdul Rahim
Zulkiflee Aspan
Hamidon Salleh
Rosman Tarmizi Jusoh
Mohd Faizal Mohd Sahri
Mejar Tamat Lamon
Hj Hamid Awalludin
Ishak Abdullah
Rabu 26 Ramadhan 16-Sep Rashidi Johari
Mohamad Azarul Razali
Sarizon Salleh
Nor Azhadi Ngah
Hj Mustafa Hj Ibrahim
Mazuki Abdullah
Abdul Rahim Md Noor
Salihodin Yasin
Khamis 27 Ramadhan 17-Sep Khairul Afzal Abidin
Azarin Razali
Ustaz Wan Mohd Nazman
Hj Halim Md Din
Zulhelmy Abdul Malib
Mat Isa Ahmad

Abu Bakar Bin Din

Khairuddin Hamzah Albakri

Salam Ramadhan, semoga kita berjaya dunia dan akhirat.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Mahkota6 sihat dan ceria siri 5 .. credit to F4iring

Post-event discussion .. masing2 ceria dapat menyumbang tenaga dan saling mengenali.

Aksi menarik oleh warga Mahkota6.. berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing

Gambar ini manisfestasi kerjasama kita

Rosmadi tumpuan ramai ...

Sarapan pagi yang begitu enak dan lazat ... resipi kasih-sayang kejiranan

Bertanya khabar sambil sarapan bersama.

Penerangan oleh Tuan Chef Azmir, Pengarah Siri 2 sambil diperhatikan oleh Mejar Razali. Tahniah juga buat Sdr Ariff, Penolong Pengarah Program ... tukan pegang hailer tuh tukang sibuk aje ..

Pandangan sisi senamrobik

Tua muda kita bersama ...

Senamrobik ... sisi yang berlainan

Senamrobik ...sisi yang lain pula